Bookmarks: Windowx XP Remote Booting

Might be handy someday.


Bookmark: eBooks



Unix: Old dog, new tricks

Renaming files in linux:

To rename all files ending in ".old" to ".new", use the following:
for i in *.old; do echo mv $i `basename $i .old`.new; done

To remove the first few characters from a file, you can try the following:
for i in *; do echo mv $i `echo $i | tr -d "wqy"`; done

To rename/change uppercase to lowercase in current directory:
for i in `ls`; do mv $i `echo $i | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`; done

To rename/change uppercase to lowercase excluding directories:
for i in `find . -type f -print`; do
base=`basename $i`;
echo mv $i `dirname $i`/`echo $base | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`;

To rename/change uppercase to lowercase directories:
for i in `find . -print -maxdepth 1 -type d | grep [a-z]`; do
echo mv $i `echo $i | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`;

Remove markup tags in files:
cat filename.xml |sed -e "s/<\/*tagname>//gi"
cat filename.xml |sed -e "s/<\/*tagName>//g"


Bookmark: ISPConfig


"Open source hosting control panel for Linux."

iptables brute force rule

Saw this on /. today:

iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW -j SSH_Brute_Force
iptables -A SSH_Brute_Force -m recent --name SSH --set --rsource
iptables -A SSH_Brute_Force -m recent ! --rcheck --seconds 60 --hitcount 4 --name SSH --rsource -j RETURN
iptables -A SSH_Brute_Force -m limit --limit 3/min -j LOG --log-prefix "SSH Brute Force Attempt: "
iptables -A SSH_Brute_Force -p tcp -j REJECT

4 ssh connections within a second causes a 3 minute ban. I wonder if there's a FreeBSD equivalent.


Homemade AirConditioning

I wanna do this someday...



More FreeBSD notes

Why oh why isn't there a UbuntuGuide.org equivalent for FreeBSD? The Handbook and FAQ just doesn't cut it. Anyway, here's some stuff I just learned:

1. Install sudo (pkg_add -r sudo) so you don't have to switch to root. This is sort of a remant of Ubuntu in me. Never was a fan of sudo before.

2. pkg_add -r freebsd-update. Then copy the sample configuration file & create a folder called /usr/local/freebsd-update. Then do a sudo freebsd-update fatch. If all looks good, do a sudo freebsd-update install

3. Have sex.

FreeBSD as a Desktop

Just ditched my office workstation running Ubuntu 5.04 (based off Debian) to FreeBSD 5.4. I used FreeBSD before but as a server. What am I thinking? Though GNOME (my choice of WM) is supported, it's not *fully* supported per-se. For one, whenever I access the Users & Groups in the Admin section while running as a regular user, the bloody program just waits there. For nothing. It should at least ask me for the root password but it didn't.

But I still like it, it's small and stable considering what I mentioned above. What I did:

1. Install FreeBSD minimal - at this point I have a "usable" FreeBSD machine. Then used pkg_add to install the Xorg X server. Since FireFox isn't on the CD, I used pkg_add -r firefox to do a web install. So pkg_add proceeds to download firefox *and* it's dependencies... including perl. WTF? Why?

2. OK, I need to install GNOME. A lot of people are whining about some WMs are too bloated. Luckily, FreeBSD's ports include gnome2-lite which is a minimal install of GNOME. So off I go via pkg_add -r gnome2-lite.

3. Also pkg_add -r gdm for good measure.

4. Edited /etc/ttys and enabled GDM.

5. I'm still sexy.

I also tried adding the flash plugin for FireFox. Interestingly, firefox crashes from time to time so I removed it via pkg_delete. Good ridence I say. No flash? It's all good. I don't need it anyway since I'm at work. :D


Do you PHP?



Bookmark: Scientific Linux

Based from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4:


Bookmark: PBX Systems



Bookmark: Mambo

Interesting CMS: http://mamboserver.com/

I might try this someday...


SysAd: Extract RPM

rpm2cpio glibc-2.3.2-101.i686.rpm | cpio --extract --make-directories

You learn new things everyday...


Upgrading Ubuntu

Decided to upgrade my Ubuntu work system:

1. add extra repositories
2. sudo apt-get update
3. sudo apt-get upgrade
4. reboot
5. i'm so sexy


Make Firefox load pages faster

Address Bar -> about:config
Filter: -> network.dns.disableIPv6 -> Change the Value to true (Double click)


PHP Reminder: type casting and copy substring

I keep forgeting some functions...

$n = (int) substr($s, strpos($s,"-")+1, strlen($s));

strtotime("-1 day", time());
strtotime("+1 day", time());
strtotime("next monday", time());

gmdate("Ymd", time())



I just found something about Keanu Reeves. He turned down a role played by Val Kilmer in the movie Heat which stars Al Pacino and Robert Deniro. Instead of being payed mega big bucks for that movie, he choose to do a play called Hamlet and memorized all his lines. I thought this guy has this fear of long lines?


perl switch code

People think there's no "switch" solution for perl:

for ($animal)
     /camel/ and do func(1), last;
     /llama/ and do func(2), last;

and you can actually search for a string in an array

grep /EXPR/, @array


Never let this MCSE guy write anything...

Jesus H. Christ. This guys is fucking stupid and doesn't know what he's talking about. He's putting other good MCSE holders (if there are any) to shame. He wrote an article about Apple's Mac Mini. God it's full of errors and fud.

First he writes:

If you believe Apple’s marketing department, the new Mini is “smaller than most packs of gum” and weighs “less than four quarters”. Well, we received our test unit from Apple yesterday, and let me say right off the bat that those claims are a wee bit of an exaggeration.

WTF is he talking about? Oh, he got it mixed up with the iPod Shuffle! How stupid!

Oh, did I forget to mention that the Mini has no PCI slots either? And no floppy disk drive? Well, no wonder they got the unit to be so small.


The Mini boots up into a stripped-down operating system which Apple calls OS X, similar to the stripped-down WindowsCE OS found on many handhelds


When I consider that a good deal of my time is spent running applications like Disk Defragmenter, Scandisk, Norton AV, Windows Update and Ad-Aware--none of which are available for the Mac platform--it doesn't make sense for me to "switch" to a Mac at this time.

This guy must be joking. This guy is fucking ignorant, troll at best. What a waste of perfectly good bandwidth.

UPDATE: I just found out, he's the Chief Software Reviewer for the online blog company. You'd expect more from a "Chief Software Reviewer".


My fingers hurt

I've been programming for 5 days straight. There's this sharp pain on my wrist from time to time. Maybe I should consult a doctor for this.

The whole Google network went kaput for a while, at least coming from my network. Everything else was fine. Google, Gmail & Blogger can't be reached for some time. Weird.

The boss gave me a brain numbing project. Keeps on changing specs and the whole project looks like crap. God awful and ugly code here and there because of changes. I know from a clients perspectice, it doesn't matter. But it matters to me damn it!


More stuff heard on bash.org

I swear I need to finish something at work...

#125283 +(5314)- [X]

<Jeedo> hey baby, whats up?
<Indidge> umm....nothing?
<Jeedo> So....want me to like come over today so we can fuck?
<Indidge> Wait....did you want to speak to my daughter?
<Jeedo> Yes Mrs.Miller.. :-/

Overheard at http://www.bash.org/?latest

#454203 +(731)- [X]

<drmason> there was this one time I was wanking to porn...
<drmason> ... I kept a javascript tutorial open in another window so my parents didn't start wondering why I was always on the desktop with no windows showing
<drmason> so I'm just about to splurge when I suddenly hear my dad coming up the stairs
<drmason> alt-tabbed to the other window and tried to pull my boxers up... computer stalled JUST THEN as my dad was opening the door
<drmason> I just stood up and was like "fuck... dad this honestly isn't what it looks like"
<drmason> and he glanced at the screen and said "I sure hope so because it looks like you're masturbating to a fucking javascript tutorial"


Mac Mini... PC?

The Screen Savers host Kevin Rose (I still prefer Leo) managed to fit PC parts inside a Mac Mini case.

Unfortunately, there's no CDROM/DVDROM drive. He could use a Pioneer 106s or 120s Slot-in drive as a start.

A very cool project. But a waste of a perfectly good Mac Mini.


New Look

Been customizing the look of my blog. I'm a fan of the Matrix and green terminals (circa 1980's monitors). There's supposed to be more matrix code beneath the page but I can't seem to hack it with the stylesheet. Grrrr!

Ubuntu Part Two

In my previous post, Ubuntu sent me their package of 11 CDs (10 x86 & 1 for AMD64/EM64T). They just released "Hoary Hedgehog" (or 5.04) and promises to be better than ever. I heard that the guy who's financing Ubuntu is the same guy who paid the russians to take him to space. It was said that he reffered to himself as "disgustingly rich".

So is Linux ready for the desktop?

Anyway, time to order new CDs!


Ubuntu, Spam, etc

Got a package from the Netherlands the other day. I ordered Ubuntu Linux CDs a couple of weeks ago. I never thought they'd actually grant my request. I heard lots of people have been waiting for ages to get a bunch. I got 10 CDs for x86 PCs and 1 for AMD64/Titanium chips.

I tried the Live CD version first to "see" how it feels. I can't seem to adjust the frequency of the monitor. The result was the desktop was skewed to the left. Haven't totally tried the other boot options. The Mrs was giving me the Evil Eye(tm).

I email a request to an ISP a while ago. One of our clients mails were missing. Funny thing is, all other mails coming from someone else were fine.

My email to the corporate support bounced back. The mother ISP of that ISP (makes sense?) is rejecting the mail because the ISP was blacklisted by spamcop. Hahahaha! That's system administration for yah.

I love my job.


Firs Post

Yay. Been trying to register here for a while. Not an easy task. Anyway, hope to post more stuff later. As soon as I finish some projects!