Perl to the rescue... again

Search and replace multiple files:

perl -pi -w -e 's/WU/WU2/g;' *.xml


Debian/Ubuntu Perl Building

apt-get install dh-make-perl
dh-make-perl --cpan Your::CPAN::Package --install


Installing Google Chrome for Debian/Ubuntu Linux

Follow this link:
64bit: http://www.google.com/chrome/intl/en/eula_dev.html?dl=unstable_amd64_deb
32bit: http://www.google.com/chrome/intl/en/eula_dev.html?dl=unstable_i386_deb


Unix: Old dog, new tricks part 2

Say you want to add a '.old' to every file in your current directory. At the end of each expression ($) a '.old' will be set:

rename 's/$/.old' *

Or you want to make the filenames lowercase:

rename 'tr/A-Z/a-z/' *

Or you want to remove all double characters:

rename 'tr/a-zA-Z//s' *

Or you have many JPEG files that look like "img0000154.jpg" but you want the first five zeros removed as you don't need them:

rename 's/img00000/img/' *.jpg

rename will accept any regex and any perl operator

git stuff

Setting up gitweb with lighttpd
git Quick Reference Guide
git by Example
git Magic (Great intro)


Installing Movable Type 4.261

Had to setup a new MovableType 4 (MT4) to test out the new Social Networking thingy called Motion. Got stuck with "mt-static" not found even though I've supplied the correct url, path and even reconfigured apache thinking it was the problem. Finally, a damn fine solution that's not even in MT's documentation site:

1. cp mt-config.cgi-original mt-config.cgi
2. Supply the correct path/url to CGIPath and StaticWebPath
3. Supply the information under DATABASE SETTINGS
4. If you haven't done it yet, create your database

Open http://domain/cgi-bin/mt/mt.cgi or http://domain/mt/mt.cgi depending on how you're setup.

It should ask you for your account details, password, and shit.


Yahoo! Mail not enough storage?

Here's something you don't see everyday:
Apr 22 14:43:11 list sm-que[9833]: n3M0BfGw009757: ...
relay=b.mx.mail.yahoo.com. [], dsn=4.3.1,
stat=Deferred: 452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage

MKDIR child folders

mkdir -p parent/{child1,child2,child3}

GREPing for two or more patterns

grep -e "patern1|patern2|patern3" filename


Passwordless SCP, SSH, RSYNC

host_src$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
host_src$ scp .ssh/id_rsa.pub user@host_dest
host_src$ ssh user@host_dest
host_dest$ mv id_rsa.pub .ssh/authorized_keys
host_dest$ chmod 700 .ssh/authorized_keys